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In Press/Preprints
- Balbona JV, Jeffries P, Gorelik AJ, Nelson EC, Bogdan R, Agrawal A, Johnson EC. (preprint). Examining the causal genetic effects of substance use on aging.
- Baranger DAA, Gorelik AJ, Paul SE, Hatoum AS, Dosenbach N, Bogdan R. (preprint). Enhancing task fMRI individual difference research with neural signatures.
- Constantino-Pettit A, Tillman R, Wilson J, Lashley-Simms N, Vatan N, Atkinson A, Leverett SD, Lenze S, Smyser, CD, Bogdan R, Rogers CE, Agrawal A. (in press). Cannabis use and trajectories of depression and stress across the prenatal period. JAMA Network Open.
- Gorelik MG, Gorelik AJ, Fishbein SRS, Fehlmann T, Deepak P, Bogdan R, Dantas G*, Jain U*. (preprint). Improving differentiation of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis proteomes through protein-wide association study feature selection in machine learning.
- Gorelik AJ, Paul SE, Miller AP, Baranger DAA, Lin S, Zhang W, Elsayed NM, Modi H, Addala P, Bijsterbosch JD, Barch DM, Karcher NR, Hatoum AS, Argawal A, Bogdan R, Johnson EC. (in press) Associations between polygenic scores for cognitive and non-cognitive factors of educational attainment and measures of behavior, psychopathology, and neuroimaging in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Psychological Medicine.
- Hatoum AS, Gorelik A, Blaydon LM, Huggett S, Chi T, Baranger DA, Miller AP, Johnson EC, Agrawal A and Bogdan R. (preprint). Psychiatric Genome-wide Association Study Enrichment Shows Promise for Future Psychopharmaceutical Discoveries. medRxiv.
- Jirsaraie RJ, Gatavins MM, Pines AR, Kandala S, Bijsterbosch JD, Marek S, Bogdan R, Barch DM, Sotiras A. (in press). Mapping the neurodevelopmental predictors of psychopathology. Molecular Psychiatry.
- Miller AP, Baranger DAA, Paul SE, Garavan H, Mackey S, Tapert SF, LeBlanc KH, Agrawal A, Bogdan R. (in press). Neuroanatomical variability and substance use initiation in late childhood and early adolescence. JAMA Network Open.
- Modi H, Baranger DA, Paul SE, Gorelik AJ, Hornstein A, Balbona JV, Agrawal A, Bijsterbosch JD, Bogdan R. (in press). Associations between prenatal caffeine exposure and child development: Longitudinal results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
- Moreau A, Hansen I, Bogdan R. A systematic review of structural neuroimaging mrkers of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
- Norton SA, Gorelik AJ, Paul SE, Johnson EC, Baranger DA, Siudzinski JL, Li ZA, Bondy E, Modi H, Karcher NR, Hershey T, Hatoum AS, Agrawal A, Bogdan R. (preprint). A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) of genetic risk for c-reactive protein in children of European ancestry: Results from the ABCD Study.
- Norton SA, Bondy E, Bogdan R. (in press). Behavioral Genetics of Depression: Leveraging Family-based Studies to Understand the Etiology of Depression. Handbook of Depression.
- Paul SE*, Elsayed NM*, Colbert SMC, Bogdan R, Hatoum AS*, Barch DM* (in press). Family income and polygenic scores are independently but not interactively associated with cognitive performance among youth genetically similar to European reference populations. Development and Psychopathology.
- Wolk M, Bogdan R, Oltmanns TF, Hill PL. (in press). Discrimination and sense of purpose: Taking an inter-generational lens. International Journal of Behavioral Development
- Bogdan R, Leverett S, Constantino-Petit AM, Lashley-Simms N, Liss D, Johnson EC, Lenze SN, Lean RE, Smyser TA, Carter EB, Smtser CD, Rogers CE*, Agrawal A*. (2025). Characteristics of women concordant and discordant for urine drug screens for and self-report of cannabis use during pregnancy. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 103, 107351.
- Baranger DAA, Miller AP, Gorelik AJ, Paul SE, Hatoum AS, Johnson EC, Colbert SM, Smyser CD, Rogers CE, Bijsterbosch JD, Agrawal A, Bogdan R. (2024). Prenatal cannabis exposure is associated with localized brain differences that partially mediate associations with increased adolescent psychopathology. Nature Mental Health, 2, 975-986.
- Bandoli G, Anunziata F, Bogdan R, Zilverstand, Chaiyachati BH, Gurka K, Sullivan E, Croff J, Bakhireva LN. (2024). Assessment of substance exposures in nail clipping samples: A systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 254, 111038.
- Hill PL, Pfund GN, Cruitt PJ, Spears I, Norton SA, Bogdan R, Oltmanns TF. (2024). Personality traits moderate associations between word recall and subjective memory. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 31, 705-722.
- Miller AP, Bogdan R, Agrawal A, Hatoum AS. (2024). Generalized genetic liability to substance use disorders. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 134, e172881.
- Moreau AL, Gorelik AJ, Samuelson DB, Oltmanns TF, Hatoum AS, Bogdan R. (2024). OCPD and brain structure: Leveraging machine learning to generate personality disorder phenotypes from normative personality data. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 133, 656-666.
- Norton SA, Blaydon LM, Niehaus M, Miller AP, Hill PL, Oltmanns TF, & Bogdan R. (2024). Inflammation is Associated with Pain and Fatigue in Older Adults. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity — Health, 42, 100874.
- Paul SE, Baranger DAA, Johnson EC, Jackson JJ, Gorelik AJ, Miller AP, Hatoum AS, Thompson WK, Strube M, Dick DM, Kamarajan C, Kramer JR, Plawecki MH, Chan G, Anokhin AP, Chorlian DB, Kinreich S, Meyers JL, Porjesz B, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A, Bucholz KK, Bogdan R. (2024). Alcohol milestones and internalizing, externalizing, and executive function: Longitudinal and polygenic score associations. Psychological Medicine, 54, 2644-2657.
- Paul SE, Colbert SMC, Gorelik AJ, Hansen IS, Nagella I, Blaydon L, Hornstein A, Johnson EC, Hatoum AS, Baranger DAA, Elsayed NM, Barch DM, Bogdan R, Karcher NR. (2024). A Phenome-wide association study of cross-disorder genetic liability in youth genetically similar to individuals from European reference populations. Nature Mental Health, 2, 1327-1341.
- Pine JG, Agrawal A, Bogdan R, Kandala S, Cooper S, Barch DM. (2024). Shared and unique heritability of hippocampal subregion volumes in children and adults. Neuroimage, 285, 120471.
- Sullivan EL*, Bogdan R*, Bakhireva L*, Levitt P, Jones J, Sheldon M, Croff JM, Thomason M, Lo JO, MacIntyre L, Shrivastava S, Cioffredi LA, Edlow AG, Howell BR, Chaiyachati BH, Lashley-Simms N, Molloy K, Lam C, Stoermann AM, Trinh T, Ambalavanan N, Neiderhiser JM. (2024). Biospecimens in the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study: Rationale and protocol. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 70, 101451.
- Baranger DAA, Paul SE, Hatoum AS, Bogdan R. (2023). Alcohol use and gray matter structure: Disentangling predispositional and causal contributions in human studies. Addiction Biology, e13327.
- Baranger DAA, Hatoum AS, Polimanti R, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Bogdan R, Agrawal A. (2023). Multi-omics cannot replace sample size in genome-wide association studies. Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 22, e12846.
- Bogdan R, Johnson EC, Hatoum AS, Agrawal A. (2023). The genetically informed neurobiology of addiction (GINA) model. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24, 40-57.
- Chang Y, Thornton V, Chaloemtoem A, Anokhin AP, Bijsterbosch J, Bogdan R, Hancock DB, Johnson EO, Bierut LJ. (2023). Investigating the relationship between smoking behavior and global brain volume. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 4, 74-82.
- Gorelik AJ, Paul SE, Karcher NR, Johnson EC, Nagella I, Blaydon L, Modi H, Hansen IS, Colbert SMC, Baranger DAA, Norton SA, Spears I, Gordon B, Wei Z, Hill P, Oltmanns TF, Bijsterbosch JD, Argawal A, Hatoum AS,* Bogdan R.* (2023). A Phenome-Wide Association Study (Phewas) Of Late Onset Alzheimer Disease Genetic Risk in Children of European Ancestry at Middle Childhood: Results From the ABCD Study. Behavior Genetics, 53, 249-264.
- Hatoum AS, Colbert SMC, Johnson EJ, Huggett SB, Deak JD, Pathak GA, Jennings MV, Paul SE, Karcher NR, Hansen I, Baranger DAA, Edwards A, Grotzinger AD, Substance Use Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Tucker-Drob EM, Kranzler H, Davis LK, Sanchez-Roige S, Polimanti R, Gelernter J*, Edenberg HJ*, Bogdan R*, Agrawal A*. (2023). Multivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of over 1 million subjects identifies loci underlying multiple substance use disorders. Nature Mental Health, 1, 210-223.
- Jirsaraie RJ, Gorelik AJ, Gatavins MM, Engemann DA, Bogdan R, Barch DM, Sotiras A. (2023). A systematic review of multimodal brain age studies: Uncovering a divergence between model accuracy and utility. Patterns, 4, 100712.
- Johnson EC, Paul SE, Baranger DAA, Hatoum AS, Colbert SMC, Lin S, Wolff R, Gorelik AJ, Hansen I, Karcher NR, Bogdan R*, Agrawal A*. (2023). Characterizing alcohol expectancies in the ABCD Study: Associations with sociodemographic factors, the immediate social environment, and genetic propensities. Behavior Genetics, 53, 265-278.
- Miller AP, Baranger DAA, Paul SE, Hatoum AS, Rogers C, Bogdan R*, Agrawal A.* (2023). Correlates of cannabis use initiation by late childhood and early adolescence in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. JAMA Pediatrics, 177, 861-863.
- Moreau AL, Voss M, Hansen I, Paul SE, Barch DM, Rogers CE, Bogdan R. (2023). Prenatal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor exposure, depression and brain morphology in middle childhood: Results from the ABCD Study. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 3, 243-254.
- Norton SA, Baranger DAA, Young ES, Voss M, Hansen I, Bondy E, Rodrigues M, Paul SE, Edershile E, Hill PL, Oltmanns TF, Simpson J, Bogdan R. (2023). Reliability of diurnal salivary cortisol metrics: A meta-analysis and investigation in two independent samples. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 9, 100191.
- Paul SE, Rogers CE, Bogdan R. (2023). Prenatal Cannabis Exposure and Health. In DC D’Souza, RM Murray, & DJ Castle (Eds.). Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology. Cambridge University Press.
- Pine JG, Paul SE, Johnson EC, Bogdan R, Kandala S, Barch DM. (2023). Polygenic risk for schizophrneia, major depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder and hippocmpal subregion volumes in middle childhood. Behavior Genetics, 53, 279-291.
- The COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative. (2023). A second update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 58, E7-E26.
- Zhang W, Gorelik AJ, Wang Q, Norton SA, Hershey T, Agrawal A, Bijsterbosch JD, Bogdan R. (2023). Associations between COVID-19 and putative markers of neuroinflammation: A diffusion basis spectrum imaging study. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health, 36, 100722.
- Zhang W, Rutlin J, Eisenstein SA, Wang Y, Barch DM, Hershey T, Bogdan R*, Bijsterbosch JD*. (2023). Neuroinflammation in the Amygdala Is Associated With Recent Depressive Symptoms. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 8, 967-975.
- Baranger DAA, Paul SE, Colbert SMC, Karcher NR, Johnson EC, Hatoum AS, Bogdan R. (2022). Increased mental health burden associated with prenatal cannabis exposure persists from childhood to early adolescence: Longitudinal results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. JAMA Pediatrics, 176, 1261-1265.
- Bondy E, Bogdan R. (2022). Understanding anhedonia from a genomic perspective. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 58, 61-79.
- Hatoum AS, Johnson EC, Colbert SMC, Polimanti R, Zhou H, Walters R, Gelernter J, Edenberg EJ, Bogdan R*, Agrawal A*. (2022). The addiction risk factor: A unitary genetic vulnerability characterizes substance use disorders and their associations with common correlates. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47, 1739-1745.
- Karcher NR, Paul SE, Johnson EC, Hatoum AS, Baranger DAA, Agrawal A, Thompson WK, Barch DM, Bogdan R. (2022). Psychotic-like experiences and polygenic liability in the ABCD Study. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7, 45-55.
- Paul SE, Hatoum AS, Thompson W, Barch DM, Agrawal A, Bogdan R, Johnson EC. (2022). Associations between cognition and polygenic liability to substance involvement in middle childhood: Results from the ABCD Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 232, 109277.
- Pfund GN, Spears I, Norton SA, Bogdan R, Oltmanns TF, Hill PL. (2022). Sense of purpose a potential buffer between psychosocial dysfunction and self-reported cognitive decline. International Psychogeriatrics, 34, 1045-1055.
- Wright A, Weston S, Norton S, Voss M, Bogdan R, Oltmanns TF, Jackson J. (2022). Personality, inflammation, and health status: Prospective associations from multiple perspectives. Health Psychology, 41,121-133.
- Zhang W, Paul SE, Winkler A, Bogdan R, Bijsterbosch. (2022). Shared brain and genetic architectures between mental health and physical activity. Translational Psychiatry, 12, 428.
- Bondy E, Baranger DAA, Balbona J, Sputo K, Paul SE, Oltmanns TF, Bogdan R. (2021). Neuroticism and reward-related ventral striatum activity: Probing vulnerability to stress-related depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130, 223-235.
- Bondy E, Norton SA, Voss M, Marks RB, Boudreaux MJ, Treadway M, Oltmanns TF, Bogdan R. (2021). Inflammation is associated with future depressive symptoms among older adults. Brain, Behavior, Immunity – Health, 100226.
- Chaarani B, Hahn S, Allgaier N, Adise S, Owens MM, Juliano AC, Yuan DK, Loso H, Ivanciu A, Albaugh MD, Dumas J, Mackey S, Laurent J, Ivanova M, Hagler DJ, Cornejo MD, Hatton S, Agrawal A, Aguinaldo L, Ahonen L, Aklin W, Anokhin AP, Arroyo J, Avenevoli S, Babcock D, Bagot K, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Bartsch H, Baskin-Sommers A, Bjork JM, Blachman-Demner D, Bloch M, Bogdan R, Bookheimer SY, Breslin F, Brown S, Calabro FJ, Calhoun V, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Cloak C, Constable RT, Constable K, Corley R, Cottler LB, Coxe S, Dagher RK, Dale AM, Dapretto M, Delcarmen-Wiggins R, Dick AS, Do EK, Dosenbach NUF, Dowling GJ, Edwards S, Ernst TM, Fair DA, Fan CC, Feczko E, Feldstein-Ewing SW, Florsheim P, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Friedman NP, Friedman-Hill S, Fuemmeler BF, Galvan A, Gee DG, Giedd J, Glantz M, Glaser P, Godino J, Gonzalez M, Gonzalez R, Grant S, Gray KM, Haist F, Harms MP, Hawes S, Heath AC, Heeringa S, Heitzeg MM, Hermosillo R, Herting MM, Hettema JM, Hewitt JK, Heyser C, Hoffman E, Howlett K, Huber RS, Huestis MA, Hyde LW, Iacono WG, Infante MA, Irfanoglu O, Isaiah A, Iyengar S, Jacobus J, James R, Jean-Francois B, Jernigan T, Karcher NR, Kaufman A, Kelley B, Kit B, Ksinan A, Kuperman J, Laird AR, Larson C, LeBlanc K, Lessov-Schlagger C, Lever N, Lewis DA, Lisdahl K, Little AR, Lopez M, Luciana M, Luna B, Madden PA, Maes HH, Makowski C, Marshall AT, Mason MJ, Matochik J, McCandliss BD, McGlade E, Montoya I, Morgan G, Morris A, Mulford C, Murray P, Nagel BJ, Neale MC, Neigh G, Nencka A, Noronha A, Nixon SJ, Palmer CE, Pariyadath V, Paulus MP, Pelham WE, Pfefferbaum D, Pierpaoli C, Prescot A, Prouty D, Puttler LI, Rajapaske N, Rapuano KM, Reeves G, Renshaw PF, Riedel MC, Rojas P, de la Rosa M, Rosenberg MD, Ross MJ, Sanchez M, Schirda C, Schloesser D, Schulenberg J, Sher KJ, Sheth C, Shilling PD, Simmons WK, Sowell ER, Speer N, Spittel M, Squeglia LM, Sripada C, Steinberg J, Striley C, Sutherland MT, Tanabe J, Tapert SF, Thompson W, Tomko RL, Uban KA, Vrieze S, Wade NE, Watts R, Weiss S, Wiens BA, Williams OD, Wilbur A, Wing D, Wolff-Hughes D, Yang R, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Zucker RA, Potter A, Garavan HP; ABCD Consortium. (2021). Baseline brain function in the preadolescents of the ABCD Study. Nature Neuroscience, 24, 1176-1186.
- Fowler CH, Bogdan R, Gaffrey MS. (2021). Dysregulated cortisol stress response correlates with reduced right amygdala volume in early childhood. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100329.
- Hatoum AS, Johnson EC, Agrawal A, Bogdan R. (2021). Brain structure and problematic alcohol use: A test of plausible causation using latent causal variable analysis. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15, 2741-2745.
- Hatoum AS, Johnson EC, Baranger DAA, Paul SE, Agrawal A, Bogdan R. (2021). Polygenic risk scores for alcohol involvement relate to brain structure in substance-naive children: Results from the ABCD Study. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 20, e12756. [
- Hatoum AS, Morrison CL, Winiger EA, Johnson EC, Agrawal A*, Bogdan R*. (2021). Genetic Liability to Cannabis Use Disorder and COVID-19 Hospitalization. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 1, 317-323.
- Li Y, Thompson WK, Reuter C, Nillo R, Jernigan T, Dale A, Sugrue LP; ABCD Consortium, Brown J, Dougherty RF, Rauschecker A, Rudie J, Barch DM, Calhoun V, Hagler D, Hatton S, Tanabe J, Marshall A, Sher KJ, Heeringa S, Hermosillo R, Banich MT, Squeglia L, Bjork J, Zucker R, Neale M, Herting M, Sheth C, Huber R, Reeves G, Hettema JM, Howlett KD, Cloak C, Baskin-Sommers A, Rapuano K, Gonzalez R, Karcher N, Laird A, Baker F, James R, Sowell E, Dick A, Hawes S, Sutherland M, Bagot K, Bodurka J, Breslin F, Morris A, Paulus M, Gray K, Hoffman E, Weiss S, Rajapakse N, Glantz M, Nagel B, Ewing SF, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Prouty D, Rosenberg M, Bookheimer S, Tapert S, Infante M, Jacobus J, Giedd J, Shilling P, Wade N, Uban K, Haist F, Heyser C, Palmer C, Kuperman J, Hewitt J, Cottler L, Isaiah A, Chang L, Edwards S, Ernst T, Heitzeg M, Puttler L, Sripada C, Iacono W, Luciana M, Clark D, Luna B, Schirda C, Foxe J, Freedman E, Mason M, McGlade E, Renshaw P, Yurgelun-Todd D, Albaugh M, Allgaier N, Chaarani B, Potter A, Ivanova M, Lisdahl K, Do E, Maes H, Bogdan R, Anokhin A, Dosenbach N, Glaser P, Heath A, Casey BJ, Gee D, Garavan HP, Dowling G, Brown S. (2021). Rates of incidental findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging in children. JAMA Neurology, 78, 578-587.
- McClendon J, Bogdan R, Jackson JJ, Oltmanns TF. (2021). Mechanisms of Black-White disparities in health among older adults: Examining discrimination and personality. Journal of Health Psychology, 26, 995-1011.
- McClendon J, Chang K, Boudreaux M, Oltmanns TF, Bogdan R. (2021). Black-white health disparities in inflammation and physical health: Cumulative stress, social isolation, and health behaviors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 131, 105251.
- Paul SE*, Hatoum AS*, Fine JD, Johnson EC, Hansen I, Karcher NR, Moreau AL, Bondy E, Qu L, Carter EB, Rogers CE, Agrawal A, Barch DM, Bogdan R. (2021). Prenatal cannabis exposure and childhood outcomes: Results from the ABCD study. JAMA Psychiatry, 78, 64-76.
— A podcast about this study is available [here].
— PBS Nova featured this study in a documentary entitled The Cannabis Question (~31 minute mark), which may be viewed [here].
— *Authors made equal contributions. - Shields AN, Oltmanns TF, Boudreaux MJ, Paul SE, Bogdan R, Tackett JL. (2021). The impact of personality pathology across three generations: Evidence from the St. Louis personality and intergenerational network study. Clinical Psychological Science, 9, 900-918.
- Baranger DAA, Demers CH, Elsayed NM, Knodt AR, Radtke SR, Desmarais A, Agrawal A, Heath AC, Barch DM, Sequeglia LM, Williamson DE, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2020). Convergent evidence for predispositonal effects of brain volume on alcohol consumption. Biological Psychiatry, 87, 645-655.
- Baranger DAA, Few LR, Sheinbein D, Agrawal A, Oltmanns TF, Knodt AR, Barch DM, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2020). Borderline personality traits are not correlated with brain structure in two large samples. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 669-677.
- Croff JM, Bogdan R, Johnson SB, Bakhireva LN. (2020). Early Environmental Exposures and Contaminants: a Design Framework for Biospecimen Collection and Analysis for a Prospective National Birth Cohort. Adversity and Resilience Science, 1, 269-283.
- Johnson EC, Demontis D, Thorgeirsson TE, Walters RK, Polimanti R, Hatoum AS, Sanchez-Roige S, Paul SE, Wendt FR, Baranger DAA, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Substance Use Disorders Workgroup, Davis LK, Bogdan R, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Stefansson K, Borglum AD, Agrawal A. (2020). A Large-scale genome-wide association study meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder. Lancet Psychiatry, 7, 1032-1045.
- Lee MR, Shin JH, Deschaine S, Daurio A, Stangl BL, Yan J, Ramchandani V, Schwandt ML, Grodin EN, Momenan R, Corral-Frias NS#, Hariri AR, Bogdan R, Alvarez VA, Leggio L. (in press). A role for the CD38 rs3796863 polymorphism in alcohol and monetary reward: possible involvement of dopamine signaling. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 46, 167-179.
- Paul SE, Elsayed NM, Bondy E, Bogdan R. (2020). Corticolimbic circuitry and genomic risk for stress-related psychopathology. In. G. Fink. (Ed.). Stress: Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics: Handbook of Stress, Volume 4. NJ, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Baranger DAA, Bogdan R. (2019). Causal, predispositional, or correlate? Group differences in cognitive control-related brain function in cannabis-using youth raise new questions. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 58, 665-667.
- Di Iorio C, Johnson K, Sheinbein D, Kahn S, England P, Bogdan R. (2019). The serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism, stress, and depression. In. L. Cohen (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Health Psychology. NJ, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Fine JD, Moreau AL, Karcher NR, Agrawal A, Rogers CE, Barch DM, Bogdan R. (2019). Association of prenatal cannabis exposure with psychosis proneness among children in the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study. JAMA Psychiatry, 76, 762-764.
- Lai D, Wetherill L, Bertelsen S, Carey C, Kamarajan C, Kapoor M, Meyers J, Anokhin A, Bennett D, Bucholz K, Chang K, De Jager P, Dick D, Hesselbrock VM, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Nurnberger J, Raj T, Schuckit M, Scott D, Taylor R, Tischfield J, Hariri A, Edenberg H, Agrawal A, Bogdan R, Porjesz B, Goate A, Foroud T. (2019). Genome-wide association studies of alcohol dependence, DSM-IV criterion count, and individual criteria. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 18, e12579.
- Paul SE, Boudreaux MJ, Bondy E, Tackett JL, Oltmanns TF, Bogdan R. (2019). The intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment: Non-specificity of maltreatment type and associations with borderline personality pathology. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 1157-1171.
- McClendon J, Jackson JJ, Bogdan R, Oltmanns TF. (2019). Trajectories of racial and gender health disparities during later midlife: Connections to personality. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25, 359-370.
- Wetherill L, Johnson E, Lai D, Anokhin A, Bauer L, Bucholz K, Dick D, Hariri A, Hesselbrock VM, Kamarajan C, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Meyers J, Nurnberger J, Schuckit M, Scott D, Taylor Robert, Tischfield J, Porjesz B, Goate A, Edenberg H, Foroud T, Bogdan R*, Agrawal A*. (2019). Genome-wide association study identifies loci associated with liability to alcohol and drug dependence that is associated with variability in reward-related ventral striatum activity in African- and European-Americans. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 18, e12580.
- Agrawal A, Chou Y, Carey CE, Baranger DAA, Zhang B, Sherva R, Wetherill L, Kapoor M, Wang JC, Bertelsen S, Anokhin A, Hesselbrock V, Kramer J, Lynskey MT, Meyers JL, Nurnberger Jr. JI, Rice JP, Tischfield J, Bierut LJ, Degenhardt L, Farrer L, Gelernter J, Hariri AR, Heath A, Kranzler HR, Madden PAF, Matrin NG, Montgomery G, Porjesz B, Wang T, Whitfield JB, Edenburg HJ, Foroud T, Goate AM, Bogdan R, Nelson EC. (2018). Genomewide association study identifies a novel locus for cannabis dependence. Molecular Psychiatry, 23, 1293-1302.
- Bogdan R, Baranger DAA, Agrawal A. (2018). Polygenic risk scores in clinical psychology: Bridging genomic risk to individual differences. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 14, 119-157. [
- Carey CE, Bogdan R. (2018). Executive function and genomic risk for ADHD: Testing intermediate phenotypes in the context of polygenic risk. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 57, 146-148.
- Deal C, Bogdan R, Miller P, Rodebaugh TL, Caburnay C, Yingling M, Hershey T, Schweiger J, Lenz EJ. (2018). Effects of cable news watching on older adults’ physiological and self-reported stress and cognitive function. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 87, 111-123.
- Gaffrey M, Barch DM, Bogdan R, Farris K, Petersen SE, Luby JL. (2018). Amygdala reward reactivity mediates the association between preschool stress response and depression severity. Biological Psychiatry, 83, 128-136.
- Rodebaugh TL, Tonge NA, Piccirillo ML, Fried E, Horenstein A, Morrison AS, Goldin P, Gross JJ, Fernandez K, Lim M, Blanco C, Schneier F, Liebowitz M, Bogdan R, Thompson RJ, Heimberg RG. (2018). Does centrality in a cross-sectional network reveal key symptoms in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology.
- Baranger DAA, Margolis S, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2017). An earlier time of scan is associated with greater threat-related amygdala reactivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 1272-1283.
- Bogdan R, Salmeron BJ, Carey CE, Agrawal A, Calhoun VD, Garavan H, Hariri AR, Heinz A, Hill MN, Holmes A, Kalin NH, Goldman D. (2017). Imaging genetics and genomics in psychiatry: A critical review of progress and potential. Biological Psychiatry, 82, 165-175.
- Carey CE, Knodt AR, Drabant Conley E, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2017). Elevated reward-related reactivity indirectly links polygenic childhood ADHD risk to later problematic alcohol use. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2, 180-187.
- Di Iorio CR, Carey CE, Michalski LJ, Corral-Frías NS, Conley ED, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2017). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis genetic variation and early stress moderates amygdala function. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 80, 170-178.
- Eisenstein SA, Bogdan R, Chen L, Moerlein SM, Black KJ, Perlmutter JS, Hershey T, Barch DM. (2017). Preliminary evidence that negative symptom severity relates to multilocus genetic profile for dopamine signaling capacity and D2 receptor binding in healthy controls and in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 86, 9-17.
- Hartz SM, Horton A, Oehlert M, Carey CE, Agrawal A, Bogdan R, Chen L, Hancock DB, Johnson EO, Pato C, Pato M, Rice JP, Bierut LJ. (2017). Association between substance use disorder and polygenic liability to schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 82, 709-715.
- Michalski LJ, Demers CH, Baranger DAA, Barch DM, Harms MP, Burgess GC, Bogdan R. (2017). Perceived stress is associated with increased rostral middle frontal gyrus cortical thickness: A family-based and discordant sibling investigation. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 16, 781-789.
- Rodebaugh TL, Tonge N, Weisman JS, Lim MH, Fernandez KC, Bogdan R. (2017). Social anxiety disorder and giving on the prisoner’s dilemma: Reduced responsiveness, not limited giving. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 95, 139-147.
- Swartz JR, Prather AA, Di Iorio CR, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2017). A functional interleukin-18 haplotype predicts depression and anxiety in women through increased threat-related amygdala reactivity. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42, 419-426.
- Swartz JR, Waller R, Bogdan R, Knodt AR, Sabhlok A, Hyde LW, Hariri AR. (2017). A common polymorphism in a Williams Syndrome gene predicts amygdala reactivity and extraversion. Biological Psychiatry, 81, 203-210.
- Baranger DAA, Ifrah C, Prather A, Carey CE, Corral-Frias NS, Drabant Conley E, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2016). PER1 rs3027172 genotype interacts with early life stress to predict problematic alcohol use, but not reward-related ventral striatum activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 464.
- Bogdan R, Pagliaccio D, Baranger DAA, Hariri AR. (2016). Genetic moderation of stress effects on corticolimbic circuitry. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41, 275-296.
- Bogdan R, Winstone JMA, Agrawal A. (2016). Genetic and environmental factors associated with cannabis involvement. Current Addiction Reports, 3, 199-213.
- Carey CE, Agrawal A, Bucholz KK, Hartz SM, Lynskey MT, Nelson EC, Bierut LJ, Bogdan R. (2016). Associations between polygenic risk for psychiatric disorders and substance involvement. Frontiers in Genetics, 7, 149.
- Corral-Frías NS, Michalski LJ, Di Iorio CR, Bogdan R. (2016). Imaging genetics of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis: Implications for psychopathology. In K.L. Bigos, A.R. Hariri, & D.R. Weinberger (Eds.). Neuroimaging Genetics: Principles and Practices. NY, Oxford University Press.
- Corral-Frías NS, Pizzagalli DA, Carré JM, Michalski LJ, Nikolova YS, Perlis RH, Fagerness J, Lee MR, Drabant Conley E, Lancaster TM, Haddad S, Wolf A, Smoller JW, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2016). COMT Val158Met genotype is associated with reward learning: A replication study and meta-analysis. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 15, 503-513.
- Demers CH, Drabant Conley E, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2016). Interactions between anandamide and corticotropin-releasing factor signaling modulate human amygdala function and risk for anxiety disorders: An imaging genetics strategy for modeling molecular interactions. Biological Psychiatry, 80, 356-362. [pdf]
- Eisenstein SA, Bogdan R, Love-Gregory L, Corral-Frías NS, Koller JM, Black KJ, Moerlein SM, Perlmutter JS, Barch DM, Hershey T. (in press). Prediction of striatal D2 receptor binding by DRD2/ANKK1 allele status. Synapse, 70, 418-431.
- Hyde LW, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2016). Incorporating the environment into neurogenetics research: An imaging gene by environment interactions (IGxE) approach. In K.L. Bigos, A.R. Hariri, & D.R. Weinberger (Eds.). Neuroimaging Genetics: Principles and Practices. NY, Oxford University Press.
- Iacovino JM, Bogdan R, Oltmanns TF. (2016). Neuroticism and impulsivity predict health declines through stressful life events during mid-life. Journal of Personality, 84, 536-546. [pdf]
- Nelson EC, Agrawal A, Heath AC, Bogdan R, Sherva R, Zhang B, Al-Hasani R, Bruchas MR, Chou Y, Demers CH, Carey CE, Conley ED, Fakira AM, Farrer LA, Goate A, Gordon S, Henders AK, Hesselbrock V, Kapoor M, Lynsky MT, Madden PAF, Moron JA, Rice JP, Saccone NL, Schwab SG, Shand FL, Todorov AA, Wallace L, Wang T, Wray NR, Zhou X, Degenhardt L, Martin NG, Hariri AR, Kranzler HR, Gelernter J, Bierut LJ, Clark DJ, Montgomery GW. (2016). A genome-wide association study provides evidence of CNIH3 involvement in opioid dependence. Molecular Psychiatry, 21, 608-614.
- Waller R, Corral-Frías N, Vannucci B, Bogdan R, Knodt A, Hariri AR, Hyde LW. (2016). An oxytocin receptor polymorphism predicts amygdala reactivity and antisocial behavior in men. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
- Admon R, Nickerson LD, Dillon DG, Holmes AJ, Bogdan R, Kumar P, Dougherty DD, Iosifescu DV, Mischoulon D, Fava M, Pizzagalli DA. (2015). Dissociable cortico-striatal connectivity abnormalities in major depression in response to monetary gains and penalties. Psychological Medicine, 45, 121-121.
- Agrawal A, Bogdan R. (2015). Risky business: Pathways to progress in biologically informed studies of psychopathology. Psychological Inquiry, 26, 231-238.
- Arloth J, Bogdan R, Weber P, Frishman G, Menke A, Wagner KV, Schmidt MV, Karbalai N, Czamara D, Müller-Myhsok B, Altmann A, Trümbach D, Wurst W, Mehta D, Uhr M, Klengel T, Erhardt A, Carey CE, Conley ED, MDD working group of the PGC, Ruepp A, Hariri AR, Binder EB. (2015). Genetically determined differences in the immediate transcriptome response to stress predict risk-related brain function and psychiatric disorders. Neuron, 86, 1189-1202.
- Carey CE, Agrawal A, Zhang B, Conley ED, Degenhardt L, Heath AC, Li D, Lynskey MT, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Wang T, Bierut LJ, Hariri AR, Nelson EC, Bogdan R. (2015). Monoacylglycerol lipase (MGLL) polymorphism rs604300 interacts with childhood adversity to predict cannabis dependence symptoms and amygdala habituation: Evidence from an endocannabinoid system-level analysis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 860-877.
- Corral-Frías NS, Nikolova YS, Michalski LJ, Baranger DAA, Hariri AR, Bogdan R. (2015). Stress-related anhedonia is associated with ventral striatum reactivity to reward and transdiagnostic psychiatric symptomatology. Psychological Medicine, 45, 2605-2617.
- Hyde LW, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2015). Neurogenetics of individual differences in brain, behavior and risk for psychopathology. In T. Canli (Ed.), p. 223-242. The Oxford Handbook of Molecular Psychology, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Pagliaccio D, Barch DM, Bogdan R, Wood, PK, Lynskey MT, Heath AC, Agrawal A. (2015). Evidence for shared predisposition in the relationship between marijuana use and subcortical brain structure. JAMA Psychiatry, 72, 994-1001.
- Pagliaccio D, Luby JL, Bogdan R, Agrawal A, Gaffrey MS, Belden AC, Botteron KN, Harms MP, Barch DM. (2015). Amygdala functional connectivity, HPA axis genetic variation, and life stress in children and relations to anxiety and emotion regulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 817-833.
- Pagliaccio D, Luby JL, Bogdan R, Agrawal A, Gaffrey MS, Belden AC, Botteron KN, Harms MP, Barch DM. (2015). HPA Axis Genetic Variation, Pubertal Status, and Sex Interact to Predict Amygdala and Hippocampus Responses to Negative Emotional Faces in School-Age Children. NeuroImage, 109, 1-11.
- Bogdan R, Agrawal A, Gaffrey MS, Tillman R, Luby JL. (2014). Serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) genotype and stressful life events interact to predict preschool-onset depression: A replication and developmental extension. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55, 448-457.
- Demers CH, Bogdan R, Agrawal A. (2014). The Genetics, Neurogenetics and Pharmacogenetics of Addiction. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, 1, 33-44.
- Lohoff FW, Hodge R, Narasimhan S, Nall A, Ferraro TN, Mickey BJ, Heitzeg MM, Langenecker SA, Zubieta JK, Bogdan R, Nikolova YS, Drabant E, Hariri AR, Bevilacqua L, Goldman D, Doyle GA. (2014). Functional genetic variants in the vesicular monoamine transporter 1 modulate emotion processing. Molecular Psychiatry, 19, 129-139.
- Pagliaccio D, Luby JL, Bogdan R, Agrawal A, Gaffrey MS, Belden AC, Botteron KN, Harms MP, Barch DM. (2014). Stress-system genes and life stress predict cortisol levels and amygdala and hippocampal volumes in children. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39, 1245-1253.
- Berghorst LH, Bogdan R, Frank MJ, Pizzagalli DA. (2013). Acute stress selectively reduces reward sensitivity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 133.
- Bogdan R, Hyde LW, Hariri AR. (2013). A neurogenetics approach to understanding individual differences in brain, behavior and risk for psychopathology. Molecular Psychiatry, 18, 288-299.
- Bogdan R, Nikolova YS & Pizzagalli DA. (2013). Neurogenetics of depression. Neurobiology of Disease, 52, 12-23.
- Huys QJM, Pizzagalli DA, Bogdan R, Dayan P. (2013). Mapping anhedonia onto reinforcement learning. A behavioral meta-analysis. Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 3, 12.
- Nikolova YS, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2013). Neurogenetics approaches: Insights from studies of dopamine signaling and reward processing. In M. Robinson, E. Watkins & E. Harmon-Jones (Eds.).Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. NY, Guilford Press.
- Prather AA, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2013). Impact of sleep quality on amygdala reactivity, negative affect, and perceived stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 75, 350-358.
- Salazar E, Bogdan R, Gorka A, Hariri AR, Carin L. (2013). Exploring the Mind: Integrating Questionnaires and fMRI. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-13), 262-70.
- Wellman C, Camp M, Jones VM, MacPherson K, Ihne J, Fitzgerald P, Maroun M, Drabant E, Bogdan R, Hariri A, Holmes A. (2013). Convergent effects of mouse Pet-1 deletion and human PET-1 variation on amygdala fear and threat processing. Experimental Neurology.
- Bogdan R, Carré JM, Hariri AR. (2012). Toward a mechanistic understanding of how variability in neurobiology shapes individual differences in behavior. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 12, 361-393. [pdf]
- Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2012). Neural embedding of stress reactivity. Nature Neuroscience, 15, 1605-1607.
- Bogdan R, Pringle P, Goetz EL, Pizzagalli DA. (2012). Perceived stress, anhedonia and illusion of control: Evidence for two meditational models. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36, 827-832.
- Bogdan R, Williamson DE, Hariri AR. (2012). Mineralocorticoid receptor iso/val genotype (rs5522) moderates the association between priori childhood emotional neglect and amygdala reactivity. American Journal of Psychiatry, 169, 515-522.
- Nikolova YS, Bogdan R, Brigidi BD, Hariri AR. (2012). Ventral striatum reactivity to reward and recent life stress interact to predict positive affect. Biological Psychiatry, 72, 157-163.
- Nikolova Y, Bogdan R, Pizzagalli DA. (2012). Perception of a naturalistic stressor interacts with 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 genotype and gender to impact reward responsiveness. Neuropsychobiology, 65, 45-54.
- Ousdal OT*, Brown A*, Nakstad JJ, Per H, Bogdan R, Hariri AR, Andreassen OA. (2012). Associations between a monoaminergic pathways gene variant and amygdala reactivity. A genome-wide functional imaging approach. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 15, 273-285.
* Authors made equal contributions. - Santesso DL, Bogdan R, Birk, JL, Goetz EL, Holmes AJ, Pizzagalli DA. (2012). Altered neural responses to negative feedback are related to negative emotionality in healthy adults. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7, 794-803.
- White MG, Bogdan R, Birk JL, Goetz EL, Holmes AJ, Pizzagalli DA. (2012). FKBP5 and emotional neglect interact to predict individual differences in amygdala reactivity. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 11, 869-878.
- Bogdan R, Fitzgibbon H, Woolverton WL, Bethea CL, Iyo A, Stockmeier CA, Kyle PB, Austin MC. (2011). 5-HTTLPR genotype and gender, but not chronic fluoxetine administration, are associated with cortical TREK1 protein expression in rhesus macaques. Neuroscience Letters, 503, 83-86.
- Bogdan R, Santesso DL, Fagerness J, Perlis RH, Pizzagalli DA. (2011). Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor type 1 (CRHR1) genetic variation and stress interact to influence reward learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(37), 13246-13254.
- Hyde LW, Bogdan R, Hariri AR. (2011). Understanding risk for psychopathology through imaging gene-environment interactions (IgxE). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15, 417-427.
- Pizzagalli DA, Dillon DG, Bogdan R, Holmes AJ. (2011). Reward and Punishment Processing in the Human Brain: Clues from Affective Neuroscience and Implications for Depression Research. In O. Vartanian & D.R. Mandel (Eds.), p. 199-220. Neuroscience of Decision Making. NY, PsychologyPress.
- Bogdan R, Perlis RH, Fagerness J, Pizzagalli, DA. (2010). The impact of minteralocorticoid receptor iso/val genotype (rs5522) and stress in reward learning. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 9, 658-667.
- Dillon DG*, Bogdan R*, Fagerness J, Holmes AJ, Perlis RH, Pizzagalli DA. (2010). Variation in TREK1 gene linked to depression-resistant phenotype is associated with potentiated neural responses to reward in humans. Human Brain Mapping, 31, 210-221.
* Authors made equal contributions. - Holmes AJ, Bogdan R, Pizzagalli DA. (2010). Serotonin transporter genotype and action monitoring dysfunction: A possible substrate underlying increased vulnerability to depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, 1186-1197.
- Petersen T, Pava J, Buchin J, Matthews JD, Nierenberg AA, Holmes AJ, Bogdan R, Graves LM, Harley RM, Fava M. (2010). The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy and fluoxetine in prevention of recurrence of major depressive disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34, 13-23.
- Bogdan R, Pizzagalli DA. (2009). The heritability of hedonic capacity and perceived stress: A twin study evaluation of candidate depressive phenotypes. Psychological Medicine, 39, 211-218.
- Meyersburg CA, Bogdan R, Gallo DA, McNally RJ. (2009). False memory propensity in people reporting recovered memories of past lives. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 399-404.
- Pizzagalli DA, Holmes AJ, Dillon DG, Goetz EL, Birk JL, Bogdan R, Dougherty DD, Iosifescu DV, Rauch SL, Fava M. (2009). Reduced caudate and nucleus accumbens response to rewards in unmedicated subjects with major depressive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166, 702-710.
- Santesso DL, Evins AE, Frank MJ, Cowman-Schetter EM, Bogdan R & Pizzagalli DA. (2009). Single dose of a dopamine agonist impairs reinforcement learning in humans: Evidence from event-related potentials and computational modeling of striatal-cortical functioning. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 1963-1976.
- Dillon DG, Holmes A, Jahn AL, Bogdan R, Wald LL, Pizzagalli DA (2008). Dissociation of neural regions associated with anticipatory versus consummatory phases of incentive processing. Psychophysiology, 45, 36-49.
- Santesso DL, Dillon DG, Birk JL, Holmes AJ, Goetz E, Bogdan R, Pizzagalli DA. (2008). Individual differences in reinforcement learning: Behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging correlates. Neuroimage, 42, 807-816.
- Santesso DL, Steele KT, Bogdan R, Holmes AJ, Deveney CM, Meites TM, Pizzagalli DA. (2008). Enhanced negative feedback responses in remitted depression. Neuroreport, 19, 1045-1048.
- Petersen T, Feldman G, Harley R, Fresco D, Graves L, Holmes AJ, Bogdan R, Papakostas G, Bohn L, Lury RA, Fava M, Segal ZV. (2007). Extreme response style in recurrent and chronically depressed patients: Change with antidepressant administration and stability during continuation treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75, 145-153.
- Pizzagalli DA, Bogdan R, Ratner KG, & Jahn AL. (2007). Increased perceived stress is associated with blunted hedonic capacity: Potential implications for depression research. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, 2742-2753.
- Bogdan R & Pizzagalli DA. (2006). Acute stress reduces reward responsiveness: Implications for depression. Biological Psychiatry, 60, 1147-1154.
- Plante TG, Aldridge A, Bogdan R, Hanelin C. (2003). Might virtual reality promote the mood benefits of exercise? Computers in Human Behavior, 19, 495-509.
- Plante TG, Aldridge A, Su D, Bogdan R, Belo M, Kahn K. (2003). Does virtual reality enhance the management of stress when paired with exercise? An exploratory study. International Journal of Stress Management, 10, 203-216.
- Plante TG, Bogdan R, Kanani Z, Ferlic E, Babula M, MacAskill E. (2003). Psychological benefits of exercising with another. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 44, 93-106.